Our ever-evolving studio culture is built upon the ideas of meritocracy and open communication, articulated through seven foundational principle. Each point builds on the last, connecting together to shape a workplace where passion, transparency, and excellence thrive. 


two Chillchat Studio developers having a meeting discussing code

01. Players Come First

Our love for games goes beyond play; it’s a devotion to player experience. We listen to their voices and design adventures that spark their emotions. Players are the heart of everything we do–we craft journeys that not only meet but surpass their expectations. 

02. Vision Over Self

The success of our games and the growth of Chillchat outweigh individual preferences. United in our vision, we collaboratively push towards our goals, ensuring our games and studio thrive.

two Chillchat Studio developers having a meeting discussing code

01. Players Come First

Our love for games goes beyond play; it’s a devotion to player experience. We listen to their voices and design adventures that spark their emotions. Players are the heart of everything we do–we craft journeys that not only meet but surpass their expectations. 

02. Vision Over Self

The success of our games and the growth of Chillchat outweigh individual preferences. United in our vision, we collaboratively push towards our goals, ensuring our games and studio thrive.

03. Communicate Constructively

Creativity thrives on collaboration and diverse perspectives. At Chillchat, disagreements are not barriers but sparks for innovation. Embracing these moments and committing to a shared vision enables us to craft unparalleled gaming journeys.

04. Excellence as Standard

Our team’s foundation is built on the expertise of each member and our collective commitment to excellence. Rejecting mediocrity, we bolster each other’s strengths, stopping at nothing until player satisfaction is guaranteed.

05. Trust & Transparency

By valuing transparency, we ensure all team members are well-informed, enhancing our decision-making and creativity. Trusting each other to freely share information enriches our output, leveraging the varied insights within our team.

hoodie reading "Chillchat" draped over an office chair in front of a window
hoodie reading "Chillchat" draped over an office chair in front of a window

03. Communicate Constructively

Creativity thrives on collaboration and diverse perspectives. At Chillchat, disagreements are not barriers but sparks for innovation. Embracing these moments and committing to a shared vision enables us to craft unparalleled gaming journeys.

04. Excellence as Standard

Our team’s foundation is built on the expertise of each member and our collective commitment to excellence. Rejecting mediocrity, we bolster each other’s strengths, stopping at nothing until player satisfaction is guaranteed.

05. Trust and Transparency

By valuing transparency, we ensure all team members are well-informed, enhancing our decision-making and creativity. Trusting each other to freely share information enriches our output, leveraging the varied insights within our team.

two Chillchat Studio teammates in a meeting room with laptops

06. Encourage Decision-Making

Our approach prioritizes autonomy, enabling swift decision-making and transforming risks into opportunities. We don’t view setbacks as failures, but as essential learning insights, recognizing that real growth stems from understanding and overcoming obstacles.

07. Avoid Rules

We steer clear of bureaucracy, endless meetings, and strict rules, favoring more dynamic approaches and creative problem-solving. By focusing on flexibility, we tailor solutions to each challenge, avoiding falling back on rigid, ineffective processes.

two Chillchat Studio teammates in a meeting room with laptops

06. Encourage Decision-Making

Our approach prioritizes autonomy, enabling swift decision-making and transforming risks into opportunities. We don’t view setbacks as failures, but as essential learning insights, recognizing that real growth stems from understanding and overcoming obstacles.

07. Avoid Rules

We steer clear of bureaucracy, endless meetings, and strict rules, favoring more dynamic approaches and creative problem-solving. By focusing on flexibility, we tailor solutions to each challenge, avoiding falling back on rigid, ineffective processes.

Join Our Growing Team

As our gaming studio thrives, we’re continually seeking passionate talent to join our growing team in our mission to deliver player experience-obsessed games in a vibrant and creative environment.

Join Our Growing Team

As our gaming studio thrives, we’re continually seeking passionate talent to join our growing team in our mission to deliver player experience-obsessed games in a vibrant and creative environment.